Welcome to mojoPortal, this is sample data, you can edit this content to get started.
You can login using admin@admin.com and the password admin.
Be sure and change the administrator name and password on the profile page after you login.
After you login, you will see a key icon which links to the Administration menu.
The Administration menu provides management tools for creating and editing content, users, roles and more.
Tip: Once you are logged in you will see pencil icons for editing content and gears icons for editing settings. Mouse over icons to see the tooltip message of what they are for.
For more info on using mojoPortal:
If you haven't already, please register on our site www.mojoportal.com. We won't spam you or share your email address, but having more registered users is a measure of the success of this project and is a simple way you can help support the project.
If you're happy with your new mojoPortal site, why not support the project? You could buy me a beer or purchase one of our add on products, Event Calendar Pro or Form Wizard Pro to make your new site even better.